Monday, January 17, 2011

Birthday - Arthritis Awareness

Do you know that Arthritis affects one in five people in the United States? Arthritis affects people of all ages. It blinds and steals the lives of children. Great research is being done to prevent, control, and cure Arthritis. Because of past birthdays, a wreck, and a divorce, I ask for your help raise awareness and fund for Arthritis.

Most people cannot wait for their birthday. I have dreaded so many of mine. One was spent chasing a pig in the rain that got out of its pen. A sleep over was interrupted by a snowstorm.  My sweet sixteen was canceled because of a tornado warning. Some people may say, “At least you have memories.” One life changing birthday memory is the day I signed divorce papers.

The marriage did not stand much of a chance because of unresolved issues we both had since childhood. Three months after the wedding our lives were complicated farther by a wreck. After a two weeks hospital stay, I was confined to bed for three months at someone else’s house. A few years late we attempted a new adventure. We purchased land and a house in Arkansas. While preparing to move to Arkansas, the house was burnt as strangers attempted to stay warm during the 1993 blizzard.

For the next year, as I tried to savage dreams, he was creating new dreams of his own. I have often joked, “He liked the Glamour Shot pictures I had made for him for Valentine Day so much that he gave me a divorce for my birthday a month later.” The following birthday, I began to do one nice thing for me and someone else.

This year I would like to plan an event to raise awareness and funds for arthritis research. There is so much to learn about arthritis. I got involved with the Arthritis Foundation to understand how the wreck caused my arthritis and how it affects me everyday. Now I know arthritis is not an “old person” disease, and that it will take many people to prevent, control and cure it. You can help by donating time/talents, and of cause money.

By giving time, you can raise awareness in your community, be an advocate or volunteer in other capacities.  A volunteer may sew rice bags, be a RN who gives shots to neighbor or show support to a parent feeling defeated. Donations could be in the form of money, but also materials to a group such as fabric or rice for the rice bags or DS games for children to play while getting infusions.

If you want to learn more about arthritis, arthritis research or support groups please let me know. I will share my resources. Any ideas or suggestion to raise awareness or funds will be appreciated. If you would like to help plan an event send me a private message with you contact information.

Thank you,

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