Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Explanation of Blog Title

There is a story in the Bible about Jacob wrestling with and angel all night. The story ends shortly after daylight. Although Jacob’s hip was out of place he continued to struggle with the angel until he got the blessing he wanted. The struggle caused Jacob to walk with a limp.

Whenever I hear that story I think of the struggles I brought upon myself and my limp. The wreck was a major turning point in my life. Twenty-one years later, people still say, “I don’t see how you made it. It was God’s grace”.

We all have struggles. However, our reactions vary. We can move past them gracefully. We may drag our feet through them. However, some choose to let the struggles get the best of them. Each day may be a challenge but we can rise above it to do anything with courage and determination.

The American eagle is strong. It fascinates me for some reason to watch an eagle in flight. It goes where and when it wants. It soars high and drops to the ground in seconds.

This is why I have titled the blog,  “Walk like Jacob, soar like an Eagle”. Encourage One Another and shot for your dreams.

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